The deployment of Unicode 14 has just been postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic. This will delay the arrival of the next emojis, expected on Android 12 and iOS 15. It’s not just events and product launches that are delayed by coronavirus . It is the global economy that is largely paused and many companies are faced with the harsh reality of containment, preventing them from advancing as they would like on their projects. This is apparently the case of the Unicode consortium which has just announced the postponement of version 14.0 of its standard. Thus, Unicode 14 should arrive
The deployment of Unicode 14 has just been postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic. This will delay the arrival of the next emojis, expected on Android 12 and iOS 15.
It’s not just events and product launches that are delayed by coronavirus . It is the global economy that is largely paused and many companies are faced with the harsh reality of containment, preventing them from advancing as they would like on their projects.
This is apparently the case of the Unicode consortium which has just announced the postponement of version 14.0 of its standard. Thus, Unicode 14 should arrive in September 2021 and not in March
Unicode specifies in its blog post that “ this delay will also have an impact on specifications and associated data, such as new emoji characters ”. The Unicode 13.0 emojis , the final list of which was published in March 2020, are not affected by this setback. Also, this will not have an impact on Android 11 or iOS 14 , but it could delay the integration of new emojis in the following versions, namely Android 12 and iOS 15, expected in 2021.
In order to return to its usual calendar, Unicode is considering the possibility of offering a version 13.1 which would be available for new versions of mobile OS in 2021. This could be based on combined emojis, not requiring a new version of Unicode for the ‘encoding new characters. The Consortium gives the example of a “black cat” emoji which would be the combination of a cat and the black square.
As for the 14.0 emojis, the proposals will be submitted between June and September 2021, for a launch on our smartphones in 2022. This perhaps also leaves us time to learn where the hundreds of emojis have been found. have been added in the latest versions.